Hotel special rate deadline: November 2, 2023
The meeting venue is the Outrigger Kona Resort and Spa located on the Big Island, Hawaii.
A block of rooms has been reserved for conference attendees and their guests at a special negotiated rate of USD 250 per night (single and double occupancy). The rates include self-parking and the daily resort fee (with full access to benefits and inclusions).
Reservations should be made via this link to get the special negotiated rate.
These rates will be offered three days prior and three days after the meeting dates, subject to availability of rooms at the time of reservation. All room rates are quoted exclusive of applicable state and local taxes for single or double occupancy, currently 17.962% (10.25% TAT, 4.712% GAT, 3% County TAT). Such taxes are subject to change without notice. The current rate for a third and fourth person(s) in the room is $70.00 per additional person, plus tax per night. Children 18 years of age and younger are free of charge when sharing the same room as parent(s) with existing bedding, maximum of 4 persons to a room. Additional person(s) charge subject to change.
You can find additional information on the hotel in this document.